Rajesh Radhakrishnan
26/06/2018 Published 2 months ago

Vembu Network Backup For SQL Server

Vembu Network Backup is one of the valuable features of Vembu BDR suite and its role is to perform backup and recovery for individual files and applications on Windows or Linux machines. In this post, I will be explaining about Vembu Network Backup features  and how to configure backup and restore for MS SQL Application using Vembu BDR Suite v3.9.1 Update1 . Vembu Network Backup supports backup of MySQL databases tables with  Full and incremental mode .Backup can be performed for MySQL databases even when the data is online and is still being accessible by other other applications.

Supported Operating Systems

Microsoft Linux Mac
Windows Server 2008 ,2012 & 2016 (64-bit) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and later 10.5.x (Leopard)
Windows SBS 2003, 2008 & 2011 Debian Linux 5.0 and later 10.6.x ​(Snow​Leopard)
Windows XP SP2 and above (64-bit) CentOS 5.2 and later 10.7​ (Lion)​ for​ Intel ​PCs ​& ​ above​
Fedora 11 and later
Ubuntu 10.04 and later

Supported Microsoft SQL Version

Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2005, 2000

Vembu Network Backup Features

  • Backup and Restores Files /Folders
  • Backup System State, Active Directory & Registry
  • Backup and Restore Applications  –  MS Exchange, MS SQL Server, SharePoint and Outlook
  • Backup and Restore can be managed from Single Console
  • Encryption and Compression
  • Disaster recovery

More Detailed Feature Information

Refer Release Notes for Known Issues & Limitations

Configuring SQL Backup 

Setup is running with below details

  • Vembu       –   BDR 3.9.1 Update 1 Version
  • Database   –    Microsoft SQL  2012

To configure the SQL backup first you have to download the Vembu Network Backup Client from BDR console

Login to BDR console Navigate to  Backup -> Select Files and Application – > Download

Download the Backup Client from the available versions  , here I am using Windows client


Run the downloaded Application

Click Next to Start the installation from Setup Wizard

Accept the License Agreement and Click Next


Provide the Network Backup ID and Click Next 

Note :- You can add custom value for ID or default one which is  Host Name or recommended option

Choose the Typical Option and Click Next

Note:- You my Choose Custom Option set the different configuration parameters

Click Install to start the installation on the Client Machine

Click Finish to exit from from installer and start the Network Backup Application

Since we selected Open the Vembu NetworkBackup Web Console it will open a console and you have provide the IP / Hostname and Click on Connect  or You can connect the Network Console from Shortcut created on Desktop

Once Connected you can see message as Connected Successfully to the Server ( Hostname )

You have login to the Console with default username and password

From the Console navigate to Backup -> MS SQL Serer

Add the SQL Serer Instance and Click Next

Note:-You can use Windows Authentication or SQL Authentication , also don’t use sa user for configure backup as best practice create and use separate login for Instance or add Windows secured users with required permission ( backup administrator) .

You have different options for configure backup , this console will show all database and option available for backup .

Here I choose Select all Data Base and Click Next 

Select the Schedule you need to configure , Select Backup Server , Retention period and Click Next

You have additional Scheduling options available , also you can configure custom Temporary Location for backup dumps and encryption  , Click Next to Continue

Enter A Job Name for this and you can select the option to Run backup immediately after this backup configuration

Also you can review the configuration form same window and click on Save the Backup

From the Popup message click on Yes to complete backup configuration

You Can view the backup Progress by navigating to Backup – > List of Backup Jobs  and Selecting Arrow From status option on the Windows .

Note : – After configuring the backup and ran the backup same time this window will open after the configuration completion step.

Restore SQL Database

Vembu Network has advanced options for restoring , find the below available options

  • Restore directly to SQL Instance
  • Restore to Custom Location
  • Move the Restore Data from Custom Location  to SQL Instance

Navigate to Restore  and Select the backup job which you need to restore , in this scenario I am using SQL Backup Job

Click on Restore OPtion


Note :- You can choose Restore the data from Backup server or Previous restored data from Custom Location to SQL server

Select Restore data from backup server and Click Yes to continue

Select below details and select the Type of backup you want to restore by selecting check box  then Click Next

  • Database Name from Drop Down
  • Show backups after – available backups taken after this period
  • Enter the Location to Restore the Data

Next Select the appropriate option as you have to restore data to SQL Click Next 

You will have two option to do same find below

Automatically Restore Data to SQL server database :-

This option will let you to restore data into SQL Server database, where you will have the option to either overwrite an existing database or restore as separate database.

Restore data to the Local Disk only :-

This option will restore data in a separate custom location instead restoring data into SQL Server.


Select the required recovery state option and Click Next to Proceed , you will have three options available

  • Leave database in ready-to-use state by rolling back uncommitted transactions.Additional transaction logs cannot be restored (Restore with recovery).
  • Leave database non-operational, and do not rollback uncommitted transactions.Additional transaction logs can be restored (Restore with Non-Recovery).
  •  Leave database in read-only mode. Undo uncommitted transactions, but save undo action in a standby file so that recovery effects can be reversed (Restore with Standby).

Note:- Password protected- If backup is password protected, enter the correct password to proceed with restore.


Note:- If you use Restore data to the Local Disk  , only one option will be available for restore as shown below


Review the configuration and Select Restore Now to trigger restore

From the Restore this Backup Popup message , Click Yes to start the restore process

You can review the restore progress  and verify restore completed .

Navigate to from Reports -> Restore Reports to check detailed verification of restore process by clicking on Job Name

Restore Report Start Time 3:20 Shows Automatically Restore Result and Start Time 23:13 shows the Restore Data to the Local Disk Only Result

Refer Vembu Networkbackup Guide

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