Rajesh Radhakrishnan
20/03/2018 Published 3 months ago

How to Create Storage Policy in vSAN

We have  discussed about  Storage Policy Based Management SPBM  on POST  , In this We will discuss about how to create a storage policy .

When we creating vSAN Cluster by default VM Storage policy will be created with name Virtual SAN Default Storage Policy. You can always create custom policy based on the requirement , while you create new policy  three points we need to consider

Common Rules

Navigate to Policies and Profiles and click on VM Storage Policies.

Click on Create VM Storage Policy .

Give a  Name for the Policy  and Click Next

You Can review and understand  the Policy Structure from the next option and Click next

If you need to specify the common rules  for data services provided by hosts  like I/O you else click next


This option typically used with  Cache , encryption or I/ O Control  of the storage device  , we ignore this since we are creating policy based on vSAN storage Provider

Here we will have two option one is the Storage Provider like vSAN or VVOL  and Tag based which is  explained in post  ,Select VSAN  and add the required rules from there

Add the required rules from drop down menu , detailed information of rules already discussed in previous post

We have selected below rules and click next for verify the storage compatibility

Compatibility will show you which Data store is compatible with policy we created and which is not compatible , in below screen you can as per the policy we created there is no compatible storage available.

Verify and the policy details and Click Finish to Create the policy

Additionally will shows you policy which is complaint with our vmware setup ,  We can create new policy or we can edit same policy to make modification .

Go to the Policy Management and Select the Policy need to modify and edit setting .

Click on the rule set and let s remove the rule failure tolerance method , check below image shows previous policy rule settings
We have removed it from the policy find the below
Click on the Storage Compatibility  you Can see there compatible storage of VSAN .

After you create  VM storage policy, you may apply it to a virtual machine. You apply the storage policy in two ways  first when you provisioning the virtual machine else configuring its virtual disks. Depending on its type and configuration, the policy might serve different purposes. The policy can select the most appropriate datastore for the virtual machine and enforce the required level of service Or it can enable specific data services for the virtual machine and its disks.