Rajesh Radhakrishnan
10/01/2019 Published 2 weeks ago

How To Configure Syslog In Dell EMC Data Domain System

Data Domain is an inline deduplication storage system, which has revolutionized disk-based backup, archiving, and disaster recovery that utilizes high-speed processing. Data Domain easily integrates with existing infrastructure and third-party backup solutions . Most Commonly Data Domain will be configured with Dell EMC Networker backup environment, also you can configure data domain with other solutions like Commvault, Veeam etc. .

Data Domain systems are commonly monitored by everyone is using auto support emails and web interface of Data Domain. There another option available is syslog configuration which is centralized logging option. In this post we will cover how to configure syslog in Data Domain System.

Data Domain logging to a syslog server is efficient and insightful. All commands executed on the Data Domain – regardless of whether they’re issued by a logged in user, a remote user, or the system itself – appear in the logging, giving you a very effective overview of what is going on for the system.Logging gives you another avenue of understanding your environment – and, depending on your environment, may be more suitable for centralised monitoring of systems. While the auto-support emails sent by the Data Domain are comprehensive, and the alert emails are useful, the logs are an information provision point particularly applicable to many enterprise automated monitoring systems.

Configure Syslog

To configure the Syslog you have to access the Data Domain console and use log host commands.

Login to Data Domain via ssh and perform below steps



log host will give you available commands you can use for log host configuration

sysadmin@VMARENA-DD# log host

Show the current configuration

sysadmin@VMARENA-DD# log host show

Reset  the current configuration

sysadmin@VMARENA-DD# log host reset

Enable and Disable Remote Logging

sysadmin@VMARENA-DD# log host enable 

sysadmin@VMARENA-DD# log host disable

Add or Delete Remote Hosts

sysadmin@VMARENA-DD# log host add " IP or FQDN of the host "

sysadmin@VMARENA-DD# log host remote  " IP or FQDN of the host  "


Dell EMC Data Domain is industry leading protection storage device which having higher compression rate compares to all other devices .We have discussed about the Dell EMC Data Domain Syslog configuration with steps all to follow .Also all the usable commands of log host  option with required information.