Rajesh Radhakrishnan
22/11/2018 Published 2 months ago

Nakivo 8.1 Public Beta Announced during VMworld Barcelona

During VMworld US  2018 NAKIVO Backup & Replication v8  was presented and  In VMworld 2018  Barcelona Nakivo announced Beta Version of Nakivo 8.1. This release brings new features for customers universal application recovery allowing you to recover objects from any application and Policy-based protection where you can set up policies and have the corresponding VMs protected automatically.

Download and test the 8.1 beta from Nakivo  – Download

Policy-based data protection

This new feature introduced in version 8.1 allows to create a policy with specific criteria and all the VMs that match the specified criteria are automatically protected. Policy-based data protection can be applied to backup, replication, and copy jobs. When the search criteria have been entered in the specific job, all matching items are automatically included in the job. VMware tag, VM name, VM location and Size of VM are just some of the parameters that can be used to define a policy.

This capability add flexibility and save time since you no longer need to edit the backup job each time to add a new VM. This can be done very quickly using creation of a job (backup, replication, backup copy) .You can easily implement a policy-based configuration that automatically defines the VMs that will be protected as show below , this can be done by selecting  option Create a new job.  Create > <job type>


And  you have number of  parameters to define the rules listed in the policy and you can set the rule by selecting option from first drop down box of the rule on Search by line: . And the next drop down is the logic operators that can run based on the Search by selection as shown below also you will option to create multiple rules by using Add another rule.

Using Tags with Policy-Based Data Protection

Another option available on the policy-based data protection criteria is tag based VM identification . You can set tag on virtual mahine from vSphere and  you can use this tag name to identify the vm in policy based protection .


Universal Object Recovery

Universal Object Recovery feature that allows to recover deleted or modified objects in your VM virtual disks by directly mounted from the backup to a VM  . Also you can restore any application object back to the source or to a custom location and you can save lot of time by using only recovering object .


Enhanced mechanism for configuring the SSL certificate

Another new feature make our life easier , it reduces the complexity of SSL certificate management and secure the  web interface with proper SSL certificate.


NAKIVO Backup and Replication v8.1 Beta Released with Policy-Based Data Protection provides  data protection with great features with  cost-effective .  The featured here we mentioned are very useful for customers to protect their Infrastructure .