Rajesh Radhakrishnan
22/01/2018 Published 3 weeks ago

Content Library – vSphere 6.0

Content Library

It is the new feature introduced with vSphere 6.0. vCenter’s Content Library provides simple and effective management of VM templates, vApps, ISO images and scripts for vSphere admins. Content Library centrally stores VM templates, vAPPs, ISO images and scripts. This content can be synchronized across sites and vCenter serversin your organization. In many environment,  NFS mount has been used to store all ISO images and templates but Content Library will simply the management of storing VM templates , vApps and ISO images either backed up by NFS mount or Datastores. Contents of Content library are synchronized with other vCenter Servers and ensure that workloads are consistence across your environment.

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  • Content Library provides storage and versioning of files including VM templates, ISOs and OVFs.
  • You can publish the Content Library  to public or Subscribe content library to get it synchronized with other vCenter Content Library. You will be able to Publish or Subscribe between vCenter -> vCenter & vCD -> vCenter


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  • Content Library basically backed up by vSphere Datastores or NFS file system,which uses this storage to store the library items like VM Templates, ISOs and OVFs.


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  • You can perform the deployment from the contents stored (templates, ISOs and appliances) in content library to host and clusters. and you can also perform deployment into Virtual Data center.