Command to list the properties of snapshot using power cli get-vm | get-snapshot | format-list Description Created Quiesced PowerState VM VMId Parent ParentSnapshotId ParentSnapshot Children SizeMB IsCurrent IsReplaySupported ExtensionData Id Name Uid Generate complete snapshot inventory with few details ...
Get connected disk details including name , Multipathing , LunType of all ESXI HOSTS in vCenter Get-VMHost | Get-ScsiLun -LunType disk User below command to export all the details to CSV Get-VMHost | Get-ScsiLun -LunType disk |export-csv C:\diskinfo.csv Get connected disk details...
Below Script will get virtualmachine hardware version , tools version , Tools status , Tools version status . Connect-VIServer -Server VM-VC.TEST.COM -User root -Password ******** Get-VM | Select @{N=”VMName”; E={$_.Name}}, @{N=”HardwareVersion”; E={$_.Extensiondata.Config.Version}}, @{N=”ToolsVersion”; E={$_.Extensiondata.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion}}, @{N=”ToolsStatus”; E={$_.Extensiondata.Summary.Guest.ToolsStatus}}, @{N=”ToolsVersionStatus”; E={$_.Extensiondata.Summary.Guest.ToolsVersionStatus}}, @{N=”ToolsRunningStatus”; E={$_.Extensiondata.Summary.Guest.ToolsRunningStatus}} | Export-Csv ...
This script is very useful to generate the Datastore Utilization of VMware Infra Save the below script as .PS1 extension and Run fron vSphere Power CLI , Out Put will be saved on the Location where we mention , here it...
It is very useful script for system admins to generate list of virtual machines having thin disks with details to CSV format . Connect-VIServer (MyvCenter) -User (My Username)-Password (My Password) $report = @() foreach ($vm in Get-VM){ $view = Get-View $vm if ($view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.ThinProvisioned -eq...
This script is very useful to identify where the VMs are located on the VMware Infra. Save the below script as .PS1 extension and Run fron vSphere Power CLI , Out Put will be saved on the Location where we...
After Connecting to vCenter from POwer CLI Follow below commands List Datacenter Inventory > Get-Datacenter Name —- DATACENTER NAME List Cluster Inventory > Get-Cluster Name HAEnabled HAFailover DrsEnabled DrsAutomationLevel ...