It is very useful script for system admins to generate list of virtual machines having thin disks with details to CSV format .
Connect-VIServer (MyvCenter) -User (My Username)-Password (My Password)
$report = @()
foreach ($vm in Get-VM){
$view = Get-View $vm
if ($view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.ThinProvisioned -eq $true){
$row = ” | select Name, Provisioned, Total, Used, VMDKs, VMDKsize, DiskUsed, Thin
$row.Name = $vm.Name
$row.Provisioned = [math]::round($vm.ProvisionedSpaceGB , 2)
$row.Total = [math]::round(($view.config.hardware.Device | Measure-Object CapacityInKB -Sum).sum/1048576 , 2)
$row.Used = [math]::round($vm.UsedSpaceGB , 2)
$row.VMDKs = $view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.Filename | Out-String
$row.VMDKsize = $view.config.hardware.Device | where {$_.GetType().name -eq ‘VirtualDisk’} | ForEach-Object {($_.capacityinKB)/1048576} | Out-String
$row.DiskUsed = $vm.Extensiondata.Guest.Disk | ForEach-Object {[math]::round( ($_.Capacity – $_.FreeSpace)/1048576/1024, 2 )} | Out-String
$row.Thin = $view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.ThinProvisioned | Out-String
$report += $row
$report | Sort Name | Export-Csv “C:\diskinfo.csv”
Out Put
Name | Provisioned | Total | Used | VMDKs | VMDKsize | DiskUsed | Thin |
VM | 86.19 | 70 | 68.65 | [DS-01] VM/VM.vmdk | 70 | 52.56 | TRUE |